Vous voulez vivre une expérience artistique toute en rondeur ?

 » BUBBLE  » vous entraine dans une bulle pop art  !

C’est parti ! La nouvelle exposition by Stefaline vient tout juste de commencer.

Les Vitrines d’Art, Centre Commercial de Saint Orens du 02 janvier au 28 février 2023.

On vous propose également le voyage dans le rubrique SHOP du site.

Attention, les prix sont maintenus jusqu’au 28/02/23 uniquement.

Quelle est douce et vibrante cette nouvelle expo !


Once again we have decided to make another art statement by showing our lastest Pop Art Collection at the ST ORENS MALL.

For 2 months you will have the pleasure to experience the BUBBLE ART SHOW. All paintings on sale are round ! Fun … right ? What a statement.

Enjoy the website tour by cliclicking the SHOP button or pass by the mall at Saint Orens city in the south of France.

This exhibition takes place after Garoz’artistes Exhibition. An association that for nine years, has been tremendously active for artists and art collectors.

They have been organizing big events for both of them and we are thankful for their work and dedication.

And if you missed all of that … , we will be happy to guide and help you find the best art piece your heart will love by send us a mail.


Mostra Pop Art Stile dal 02/01/23 al 28/02/23.

Prezzi mantenutti fino al 28/02/23

Mandate una mail per scegliere la vostra opera unica.